Five Reasons to Upgrade Your Closet to a Custom Closet Organizer
Upgrading your closet is a quick and easy way to improve your home and life. Whether you have an inefficient wire closet system, an...

Understanding How Clutter Affects Your Mind & Body
Do you struggle with clutter? Millions of Americans do. What you, and they, may not realize is that clutter can affect your mind and...

How To Create A DeClutter Strategy
Do the piles of clutter in your home overwhelm you? Do you want to have a clean home but you honestly do not know where to start the...

Simple Habits To Keeping Your Life Clutter Free
How many times have you lost your keys, shoes or important papers because there is too much clutter in your home? Families around the...

Work Space Clarity - Part II
IN THE PREVIOUS POST, we talked about setting up your home work space for comfort and efficiency. Now, I want to offer some ideas on how...

Work Space Clarity - Part I
THE HOUSEHOLD COMMAND CENTER! Whether it’s a small desk in the corner or a full blown home office, this is the space that keeps your life...

Giving You Peace Of Mind During Your Stormy Days
I am a wife and a working mother of four wonderful little people. I have spent hours commuting back and forth to work only to get home...